
SQL implementation of MeMo

SQL version of the MeMo design represents a collection of SQL CREATE TABLE scripts.

Tables have been devided into the following categories (see the design document for more details):

  • vocabulary: controlled vocabularies are used to tag certain units of information, so that they are referred to in a consistent manner and therefore more easily retrieved by a search,
  • XML: description of XML schemas that can be used to structure certain table fields,
  • admin: administrative data about the experiments and personnel involved,
  • bio: metadata about the biological source examined,
  • yeast: yeast-specific subcomponent of biological metadata,
  • sample preparation: preparation of a (metabolome) sample from the biological source material,
  • analysis: the results of instrumental analysis,
  • data processing: identification of metabolites based on the results of instrumental analysis,
  • data analysis: computational analysis of the analytical data and the associated metadata.

You can download all components here.